Safety beliefs, standards, leadership & performance


The simple truth

We had such a great response to our article about 'reducing paperwork', we thought we'd further expand on the subject of 'simplification'.

Many of our clients are feeling the pinch at the moment, they're seeing lay-offs and a scaled-back workforce. There are less people to do the work, tighter budgets to meet and higher targets to reach. Fear not, all is not lost. 

It is a harsh reality, but the truth is that lay-offs mean a higher caliber of workforce. In the 'boom', many industries recruited hundreds or even thousands of inexperienced staff to fill their labour needs. It's in these industries in particular that we see the biggest change. The less experienced have moved-on, leaving quality, experienced staff to keep things going.

It means that the multitude of processes and systems that were put in place to cater for the less experienced employees can now be removed and greater efficiencies achieved.

It's important to take the time to audit your systems and processes. Are they all really necessary in your new world? You'd be surprised at how many are out there, clogging up the system and wasting valuable time; not to mention frustrating the staff that you value most. Do yourself and your staff a favour and ask them 'what is adding value and what can be streamlined?' 

This process will also help empower your staff. You'll glean their valuable insights and reinforce their contribution to the organisation; you'll remove frustrations and make work more enjoyable for the employees you value most.